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What can I do TODAY to be more conscious of my PLANET'S NEEDS??


     >Clothing and Shoes

           >I believe there is enough clothing already made

           in the world to clothe all the people of the earth

           for 50 to 100 years. Let us all use already made 

           clothing, whether it be second hand or vintage,

           there is anything you might be looking for; shoes


     >Ask yourself

           >Do I need another paper cup? sleeve?

           plastic single use bottle? newspaper? paper towel?

           new plastic bags? grocery bags?


Paper Products:
In our lives it is common practice to use disposable paper products for many things around the home. Many people use paper towels in their kitchen, and just toss they away with no regard for where they came from or where they are going, this is also true in public restrooms. I have seen people use more than 6 or seven towels to dry their hands, and toss them haphazardly away with complete disregard. I would even venture to guess that a few of the towels had no moisture reach them at all. 
This paper comes from our forests. They are cut down daily to meet the consumption needs of the masses. There are 7.8 billion people in this world. Can one imagine how long it will take for the humans to completely consume all the natural resources that our over taxed planet now provides.  Is every bit of paper used today necessary? What can each individual do to use less?
It takes 27,000 trees per day to provide toilet paper for this world of ours, "51,000 trees a day are cut down to support America's  paper towel habit."  Please help stop this mindless consumption of our forests. It is from our glorious trees that we receive the oxygen we need to breathe and to grow our crops for nourishment.
Did you know that every day more than 51,000 trees are cut down to support North America's paper towel habit? Or that the paper industry in general consumes more water than any other single industry on Earth? Maybe you weren't aware that 254 million tons of paper towels are discarded globally every year. These produce methane gas while breaking down which is the number one contributor to global warming. (according to Norwex Movement 2017)
So many alternatives exist right in front of us. We all have dish towels and sponges for kitchen clean us, and for the ugly jobs discardable rags can be used. 
As far as toilet paper goes, I have not used it for urinating for years, but rather use a clean-sanitary rag which can be washed. Please join me in saying i have not bought a paper towel roll for decades, and while in public restrooms I am certain that the air will dry my hands as well as any paper towel.
I recently read an article where people were excited about using coffee filters for many household jobs. I was very disheartened at the thought that people would consider adding even more paper products for their consumption. All of the ideas could have been achieved just as easily with a small scrap of an old terrycloth towel. I have filtered my coffee for many years with a reusable cloth filter, and it works over and over with great results.
We must ALL look at the future repercussions of our personal consuming habits and and try to adjust our ways of use in our own homes and out in society. Please help our planet and our future by your actions and care.
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